As we welcome 2013, we look back at all the Lord was doing in the Jorgensen family in 2012. Some good, some bad, some fun, some hard but ALL things completely in His good plan for His own glory.
My favorite pictures for 2012 came both from my fancy camera and my camera phone. So here are my top twelve.
Number 12
In 2012 I got lots of snuggles from my sweet baby Evan. His first year of life went by so fast but we are so thankful God blessed us with a fourth son to love and hold!
Number 11
My sister made these adorable shirts for each of my boys and they loved them. I love this picture because somehow, I got each of the boys dressed and ready for the day and coordinating to boot! It was the little accomplishments that mattered this year 

Number 10
In 2012 we added another member to our family. Our chocolate lab Daisy. The boys had so much fun watching such a little puppy grow. However, its no secret that I’m not a fan of housebreaking pets but the boys were great at helping train this little one. She’s a great family pet and we love her.

Number 9
My mom and baby sister came to visit us in April. We had a blast with them! I just love this picture of the boys playing with her on the beach. They were perfectly content and it was such a joy watching my boys with my mom.

Number 8
Austin turned three years old in 2012. It seems like he has really turned a corner with this milestone. His language, understanding, manners and sweetness has improved this year. We are so thankful that God gives us the grace and the wisdom we need to parent each of these boys well. I took him out back for his birthday pictures and I liked this shot even though its not the typical yearly picture.

Number 7
This one doesn’t need many words. It’s the joy of summertime in one shot!

Number 6
I like my camera. I like playing with my camera. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. There was one day when the light was shinning so perfectly on Evan and I was able to snap it before he moved. Just look at those chubby cheeks and arms. So adorable!

Number 5
I love this shot of Evan. He was just learning to pull up and we were at our favorite place, Camp Tejas. It was a great day with our sweet boys and great friends too.

Number 4
It’s such a sweet shot. Summertime with Dad in the pool. The boys all time favorite activity with Dad, being tossed around!

Number 3
Anytime I can get all 4 of my boys looking and/or smiling at the camera, it’s bound to be a favorite picture of mine. Look at how handsome they are!

Number 2
While this picture wasn’t taken during a happy time in our life, I still think it’s cool. We were taking Ian to one of his very many doctor appointments located downtown in the medical center. The boys were marveling at the city life outside the window. Even though this was a difficult time for our family, we look back and are filled with gratefulness that God protected Ian during his car accident. That the boys still have their super Dad and I still have my dear husband.

Number 1
This may not seem like a typical number one. A friend of ours, Ronnie Bennett, took some family pictures for us this fall and they were absolutely beautiful. All of them deserved a number one spot but this one means so much to me. As I stated above, we thought we were going to loose Ian for a little while. In a moment, I had to face the possibility of not having him as my husband, and that was hard. Things haven’t always been easy for us and most of that is not post worthy but what I will say is that God is good all of the time. Sometimes, hard things happen in our life but even still His plans for us are for good. I’m thankful for this journey we’ve been on together for the last 12 years. I’ve learned that relationships aren’t ultimately for our own satisfaction but to teach us more about the One who loves us perfectly. I’m so happy to still have him to cherish.