Summertime is for fun-time and our 2013 summer is no exception. Everything seemed more fun this summer, having my sister and her family here. Trips to the park, pool and beach are always better with family!
We made our annual trek up to the blueberry farm. This year, the farm was only open on the weekends so it was super busy, but our crew didn’t have any trouble finding lots of juicy ones.

We made lots of trips to the beach, and the boys loved finding as many creatures as they could, jellyfish, hermit crabs and ugly fish skeletons.

Speaking of the beach, my good friend Joelyn, took me out for my first trip surfing. She has her own board and I’ve been anxious to go out with her. We went down on a Friday night, without our dear children! It was so much fun and much easier than I thought it would be. Of course, the waves in Galveston are not anything to boast about but its better than nothing!
Ever since then, I’ve been on the look out for my own longboard, I’m hooked!

Austin took swim lessons this summer. He learned a lot and his confidence in the water really grew. We take lessons from Ms. Shanna. She has the most incredible piece of property and teaches in her backyard pool. While Austin was swimming, the other boys were chasing lizards, reading books and playing card games under the big trees. It was a fun couple of weeks with them.

In July, the big boys had a blast at VBS. They learned,
“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began” 2 Timothy 1:7-9
Of course we also celebrated the Fourth of July. Mike and Lindsey, and family, joined us for our favorite tradition, dinner and fireworks on the beach. We headed down to Galveston for dinner, watched the parade on the Seawall and sat on the beach while we watched the fireworks. It was a blast. Austin was hysterical at the parade this year. We told him he had to wave and get attention for the people on the floats to toss him goodies. He got everyone’s attention as he raised his hands in the arm and screamed a loud, happy scream in hopes that some beads or candy might be thrown his way. He was a hoot. But, it worked, he scored a ton of beads and candy!

It’s only the end of July and I’m sure there’s still more summer fun to be had but I can’t help but feel the impending workload of school right around the corner. We cherish these fun times and the memories we make. I hear many mothers say “ I can’t wait till school starts again”. But I can’t help but sit back, and thank God for the privilege to share joy and laughter with my children. To thank Him for making them and making me their mother.