Every year I learn a little more about teaching this little man. He is my guy who forges the way for the rest as we learn together each year. He challenges me to think outside of the box as I teach him and I am so grateful for his efforts. I'm praying for another fruitful year with him!
Fourth Grade Resources
Reading and Language Arts: Veritas Press Reading Comprehension Guides, Phonetic Zoo Spelling, VP Cursive handwriting books, grammar and writing skills through the Classical Conversations Essentials program. (This is our first time with the CC Essentials program. I am a little nervous and intimidated but also excited to learn alongside of my fourth grader.)
Math: Saxon 5/4
Bible: Veritas Press Genesis through Joshua Study
History: Veritas Press Online Course, Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
Everything Else: Memory work through the Foundations program with Classical Conversation. Studying the ancient civilizations through history and geography. Memorizing the multiplication facts, conversions and laws. Memorizing Latin grammar, English prepositions, science facts and a complete history timeline. Also completing science and art projects as well as oral presentations.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson Plans for Third Grade:
Reading: Comprehension guides from Veritas Press, daily Bible reading and Sunday comics. :)
Language Arts: English grammar with Shirley English Level 2 and 3, memorization of verb tenses and English grammar rules with Classical Conversations. Spelling: Phonetic Zoo and Classically Cursive.
Math: Saxon 5/4, memorization of multiplication facts and various geometry and mathematics laws with Classical Conversations.
History: Story of the World, memorization of a timeline of events, beginning with creation, with Classical Conversations. Memorization of US History events with Classical Conversations. Journey Through Time DVD series on US History.
Geography/ Science/ Latin/ Fine Arts: Memorization of the who's, what's, and when's with Classical Conversation. As well as learning to trace and draw the US map, science and fine arts projects.
The resources we use for Second Grade are:
2. Veritas Press Genesis through Joshua Bible Series
3. Shurley English Grammar 2
4. Veritas Press Classicallly Cursive
5. Prma Latina
6. Excellence in Spelling: The Phonetic eZoo7. Veritas Press Reading Comprehension guides
8. Saxon Math 3
Our first grade has been a rich and full year. I have seen Jacob grow in so many areas this year and the greatest one being his growth in understanding who God is. The privilege of home schooling allows me to teach my children that God is in history, math, language and so much more! Every year I learn more and more about what I never learned in school and how to best educate my child rather than trying to fit him into a certain mold.
Jacob has been a super reader and can't read enough. We got him a book light so he could read at night in his bed long after his younger brother was asleep to take advantage of the quiet. Daily he reads from his Read and Learn Bible and his Veritas Phonics primers as well as the mountain of library books we check out. He is always eager to know more about history and sometimes struggles with new math concepts. He is a perfectionist at heart, just like his mother, so we both struggle when lessons are difficult. Each year we learn more about how to help each other and do the best we can.
The resources we use are...
- Classical Conversations
- Veritas Press Phonics Museum
- Saxon Math 2
- Shirley English Grammar Level 1
- Veritas Press First Favorites Reading Comprehension Guide
- Story of the World, Volumes 1-4
Books he is reading..
- Magic Tree House #1 Dinosaurs Before Dark
- Corduroy
- A House for Hermit Crab
- His Mighty Warrior: A Treasure Map from Your King
Extracurricular activities...