
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Being 5 Months Old

How did we get here? How does 5 months go by so quickly?

Iphone 036

Can you tell what his newest trick is? Just last week, Evan decided he needed to be mobile. Twice, he rolled over from his back to his belly. Although, once he got on his belly, he decided he didn’t really enjoy being there but then he was stuck. Mom had to come rescue him.

It’s a true statement that each child in a family is completely individual, and Evan is no exception. He is our first baby to be a screamer. And I mean, SCREAMER! When he wants to be noticed or tended to, he can release some high-pitched, mighty screams. I don’t mean crying, it is certainly screaming. It’s almost comical because he’s capable of turning it on and off like a light switch. We figure as the youngest of four boys, he’s just making his voice heard.

He’s not so sure about our new puppy. He is very fascinated by her crazy antics. Surprisingly, I think he even enjoys when she nibbles on his toes ( but Mommy does not appreciate it at all and puts an end to it). Having a crawler and a puppy ought to be interesting!

Evan hasn’t been weighed recently but he must weigh 20 pounds already. Are all those rolls a giveaway to his weight? He still loves to be snuggled and rocked in mom’s arms. With all that weight lifting, no need for the gym for me, ha!

Everyday, we love to kiss those sweet cheeks, tickle those tiny toes and hold those precious little fingers. And I know this won’t last forever. One day he’ll be 2 years old like his big brother, then 6, then 9 and so on. I held each one of them this way and they just kept growing. Evan is such a bundle of joy. We love him so much and we thank God for this little blessing.

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