
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Top 14 of 2014

I have a terrible memory. Seriously, my first real memory is from Kindergarten and even that one I only vaguely remember. I have to write everything down because I know I will forget it if I don’t. Because I want to savor all these precious moments with my little boys, I take a lot of pictures.

Every year I like to look back at the pictures of our family from the year. We are so blessed with so many happy and wonderful moments and I love to relive them. I tried to limit the ones from my phone (my camera phone is usually close for me to grab in a moment) and the ones from our National Parks vacation (I took a million pictures from that trip and love them all.) So here are my top 14 from 2014:



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I love summertime with my boys. Swimming at the pool, surfing at the beach or reading lots of books. Summertime is my favorite.




Twice a year, Ian’s mom, Kathy, comes to visit us. We all love having her here and this year, we took her to Brazos Bend State Park, otherwise known as the alligator park. We all enjoyed being outside and marveling at the alligators just hanging out by the path. This patch of nature is a special treat for us city dwellers.



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Visiting Austin with my best friend was a real treat for me this year. I ate some INCREDIBLE food, saw some awesome sites and enjoyed a kid-free weekend. Austin is a super cool city!



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Speaking of how cool Austin is, this Austin is pretty rad too! I sure do love this spunky and joyful boy.



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This precious little tot makes life so sweet. He is forever a baby to me so I cherish baby baths, baby snuggles, baby curls and baby smiles.




Hidden in the depths of the wild Yellowstone National Park forest, we encountered a rarely caught on camera moment. Our two middle children, normally wild animals when put together, were happy, content and hugging each other for fun! Winking smile



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This bright and intelligent 5th grader wrote a research paper on Richard the Lionhearted and came to class dressed in costume to read his paper. This little boy, who will soon be a teenager, keeps us on our toes. He has grown so much this year both physically and spiritually.



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She and I have been friends since we were 16 years old. Between our combined 6 boys and the states that separate us, it’s difficult to get together these days. But this year we got to spend a girls weekend in Austin. It was a highlight of my year and I will cherish the memories we made forever. I look forward to our next trip together!




Brothers, at a party, with a waterslide. Need I say more?




The Beaver Pond Trail was my favorite hike at Yellowstone. The wildflowers were everywhere and they were so amazing. We walked through hills, forest and mountains. Each turn was so breathtakingly beautiful. I still can’t believe how well all my boys did on this 5 mile hike. It was glorious.




Our little 4 year old was in heaven on our National Parks trip. He was completely in his element in nature, no rules, no boundaries, just sticks and rocks to throw. He regularly reminds us that he wants to go back on our “RV trip.”




I love pictures with my boys hanging out together. These two were swinging in the chair at Camp Tejas, just enjoying each other’s company. I pray they will grow up to be men of faith and that their memories of playing together will strengthen their bond. And when they need each other, they will be there.



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Texas and morning runs with my sister. That’s all.



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This is everything to me. They are everything to me. Glacier National Park and God’s amazing design. Exploring the world He created and praising Him for the beauty of it all. Adventure for boys who don’t have this in their backyard. A father who enters into life with his boys, enjoying and nurturing them. Family, knit together by a promise made almost 15 years ago.

Happy New Year friends. May the God of HOPE fill your 2015 with all joy and peace. Romans 15:13

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