
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Monday, April 16, 2012

Love and Responsibility

Chores are a very normal part of life in the Jorgensen household. We talk to our boys about the importance of being good stewards of the the great things God has given us.  Taking care of our home, cleaning up our messes and being cleanly.  Obviously, Mom cannot and should not do it all. So each member has their own part in helping to keep our house in order.

For instance the dishes. The never ending, always there, endless pile of dirty dishes. Nathan’s job is to unload the dishes and neatly stack them under the cabinet they belong or carefully put them in the cabinets below. One of Jacob’s job is to put away all the dishes above the counters that Nathan cannot reach.

Sometimes, Nathan needs a partner to help him along in his chores. So he’ll ask me if I can help him. And I happily put away a dish or two to let him know he’s not alone. That’s really all he wants. And we chat about the day or what funny story he remembers or some crazy knock-knock joke he made up that day. It’s lovely. I spend a little moment with my sweet boy and its lovely.

Today, after one of these moments together, Nathan finishes and begins to walk out of the kitchen. As he goes, he says “Mom, thanks for the talk. It was fun”. Oh my melting heart. At that moment, Jacob is walking in to finish up. He starts putting a few dishes away and then replies “that boy has a bright future”. Not sure I understand correctly, I ask him to explain what he means. He says “you know, one day Nathan will have his own family, take care of his own home. He’ll be really good at caring for his family.” I smile proudly.

Two striking thoughts in this conversation. #1 wow. That was really cool that Jacob considered a “bright future” caring for and loving your family well. And also that he had noticed something so wonderful in his little brother. That’s not usually his M.O. #2 He hit the nail on the head. Nathan will be an excellent father, husband and leader as he is already such a sweet son, brother and friend. I love these boys. I’m excited about what God is working in their hearts. I’m hopeful for a “bright future” for all of them.

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