
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let me count the ways…

There are many reasons why I love each one of my boys.

But there are some things I never want to forget that started early, specifically with Nathan. These boys of mine can be so rough and rowdy sometimes. I savor the sweet moments because normally there is a lot of noise and chaos. A lot.

It’s no surprise to anyone that Nathan is our kind hearted, lover boy. There seems to be a natural tendency in him to love and consider others. He’s completely thoughtful and caring, to his core.

For instance, there’s the time we were having lunch in McDonald’s and the bigger boys were playing in the playground equipment. There was also a little girl playing who suddenly decided she didn’t enjoy being up so high. Her mom was carefully trying to call her down. Her big brother even climbed up and attempted to coax her down. All with no luck. And I watched as I saw something that didn’t surprise me but rather, melt my heart further. Nathan saw the girl’s need, left what he was doing and helped her. He used his sweetest voice and walked with her, ever so gently, to the direction she needed to get down. She was a perfect stranger, but that didn’t stop him. He was so kind and so gentle. How did I deserve this kid? He’s precious.

Then there was the “I don’t want to waste you money on night time pull-ups” comment. We’ve been working on night training for oh, several months. One night I was having a conversation with Nathan and asking him if he’d be more comfortable at night wearing pull-ups until he figures out how to wake himself up at night. His comment to me was not what I expected. I expected “I’m a big boy, I don’t wear pull-ups” or “that would be too embarrassing”. But his response was filled with concern for me. “Mom, I don’t want to waste your money having to buy so many pull-ups for me. I want to keep trying”. Where does he come up with that stuff? Sure, it may have been an excuse to not wear pull-ups but that’s some pretty mature logic if so.

And the way he served his brother with a warming towel after their wet bodies left the bath. Austin and Nathan were taking a bath the other evening and they both decided they were done. They slipped out of the tub and little Austin was shivering and cowering from being so wet and cold. Nathan was already opening the cabinet to get himself a fresh towel when he saw his little brother’s condition. He then selflessly gave up his towel and carefully covered his little brother. Sigh. What can I say? His brothers are blessed to have him.


I would like to tell you that there’s something we did to create this. I’d love to tell you I read some awesome parenting book, applied it and ended up with these results. But I can not boast. It is the kindness of God to give us each of our wonderful boys. It is God’s mercy to give us such a lovely child. I pray that we can be faithful parents to meet each of their developing needs and strengths.

Let me count the all the ways I love them…1,000, 2,000, 3,000…

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