The rains came and flooded it. And what was left, the bugs came and devoured it, all in 24 hours. Needless to say, after all that sweat and hard work, I was one sad gardener. I swore to never garden again. My heart broken and defeated.
After stewing over it through the winter, I realized there were a few things I could have done to prevent that catastrophe last year. For one thing, better drainage. The rain had no where to go last year. Trying to avoid pesticides, I now know there are bug deterring plants you can use in a garden like marigolds and cilantro.
So with courage and commitment about me, I restructured and started again. When you fall off the bicycle...get up again, right?
Flowering sugar snap peas...mmmmm. From my new garden!
Maybe we'll have home-grown tomatoes in our salads this year!
I hope, I hope, I hope!