
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mending a broken heart...

For those of you who followed me last year, you'll remember my original post about my very first garden. What you may not remember is any other posts about it. As a newbie blogger, I felt compelled to only blog the good stuff. (Not realizing the bad/real stuff should be included in this real life blog) And so what you never knew was what became of that promising garden.


The rains came and flooded it. And what was left, the bugs came and devoured it, all in 24 hours. Needless to say, after all that sweat and hard work, I was one sad gardener. I swore to never garden again. My heart broken and defeated.

After stewing over it through the winter, I realized there were a few things I could have done to prevent that catastrophe last year. For one thing, better drainage. The rain had no where to go last year. Trying to avoid pesticides, I now know there are bug deterring plants you can use in a garden like marigolds and cilantro.

So with courage and commitment about me, I restructured and started again. When you fall off the bicycle...get up again, right?

Flowering sugar snap peas...mmmmm. From my new garden!

Maybe we'll have home-grown tomatoes in our salads this year!

I hope, I hope, I hope!

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